#BlogTour #Review – The Winter Killings by Wes Markin @rararesources #20booksofsummer24 (2/20)

Thanks for stopping by! I’m delighted to be sharing my review for The Winter Killings by Wes Markin as part of the blog tour today. With thanks to Rachel at Rachel’s Random Resources for the invite to join the tour. Also thank you to the author and publisher for my copy via Netgalley. First things first let’s take a look at the description for the book…

A gruesome find. A missing colleague. A case that hits closer to home…

As winter settles over Yorkshire, DCI Emma Gardner is hoping that work will calm down for everyone. Distracted by the continued disappearance of DI Paul Riddick Emma can’t seem to get her head back in the game. But when a human skull is discovered in a local pub, Emma knows it’s time to get a grip.

With no one local reported missing, and with no body to be found, the team have their work cut and no obvious clues to follow. Who could the skull belong to and what message is the killer trying to leave them? And then the first body is found…

As Emma and the team try desperately to identify the body and the killer, secrets from the past begin to reveal themselves. A home for single mothers. Babies who tragically didn’t make it. A coverup at the highest level.

With the clock ticking, winter has one final cold reveal for Emma. Her old friend Riddick…

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It was so good to be back with Emma and Riddick. I really love their partnership and connection, everything just works so well! In this book Emma finds herself in the middle of a tricky case with lots of questions and seemingly no obvious answers. I really enjoyed seeing the investigation play out and seeing each piece of new evidence come to light that. Although as usual that only brought more questions. While Emma had her difficulties, Riddick was decidedly in trouble and I was eager to see how it would all play out.

The plot itself moved quickly and my attention was kept throughout. I was just as eager as the characters to discover the truth. As ever the whole team brought something to the story but I do especially love Emma and Riddick’s characters. While The Winter Killings is part of a series I do think it’s possible to read this book as a standalone. However you really would be missing out on some fantastic books in this series. Especially with all the back stories and personal connections that hold more depth. So to be fair I would recommend starting with book one.

For me The Winter Killings had an intriguing cold case at its heart along with brilliant characters albeit with their flaws. This all combined to create a very interesting story with plenty of twists and turns to keep you fully invested in discovering the truth. I really enjoyed my time with this book!

Author Bio

Wes Markin is the bestselling author of the DCI Yorke crime novels, set in Salisbury. His new series for Boldwood stars the pragmatic detective DCI Emma Gardner who will be tackling the criminals of North Yorkshire.

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