#BlogTour #QandA – Finding Love in Micklewick Bay by Eliza J. Scott @ElizaJScott1 @rararesources

Thanks for stopping by! I’m delighted to be taking part in the blog tour for Finding Love in Micklewick Bay by Eliza J. Scott who has kindly taken part in my Which Three Q&A today. A big thank you to the author and to Rachel at Rachel’s Random Resources for the invite to join the tour. First things first let’s take a look at the description for the book…

Welcome to your happy place…

Stella Hutton has everything under control. Her high-flying career as a lawyer relies on her keeping a calm, rational head on her shoulders. She hasn’t got time for love, or space for a man in her glamorous new apartment, a converted warehouse overlooking the rugged cliffs of Micklewick Bay.

But when a handsome stranger walks into the Jolly Sailors pub, with a sparkle in his blue eyes and a head of dark curls, everything changes. Making a beeline for her, Alex Bainbridge introduces himself while a gorgeous Labrador waits at his feet. Electricity instantly sparks between Stella and Alex, as her heart flips inside her chest and her usual strict rules about men fly out the window…

Stella thinks her crush will pass. But every time she bumps into Alex — on her daily jog along the promenade, at the supermarket, inside the Happy Hartes Bookshop — her feelings only grow stronger. Her close-knit group of friends have never seen her like this before. After thirty years of being happily single, has Stella finally met the one? Or will her cherished independence sabotage her chance at a forever love?

Escape to Micklewick Bay in this uplifting, feel-good page-turner, perfect for fans of Heidi Swain, Jenny Colgan and Phillipa Ashley.

Purchase Links 

Q&A – Which Three

Thank you for taking part in the Q&A, so let’s get started…


Hi Rae, thank you so much for taking part in the Finding Love in Micklewick Bay blog tour and for your fun Q&As.


Which three words best describe your personality?


I’d say friendly, happy, chatty.


Which three vacation spots are your favourite?


The Scottish Islands & Highlands, Sorrento, Florence.


Which three things do you enjoy doing when you aren’t writing?


Gardening, catching up with friends over tea and cake, reading.



Which three books would you want if you were stuck on a desert island?


The Happiest Ever After by Milly Johnson (I’ve recently read it and it’s fabulous!), Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte (breathtaking!), A Villa with a View by Julie Caplin (my current paperback read, and I’d like to have it with me so I can finish it as I’m really enjoying it!)


Which three books were your favourite as a child?


Can I say all of Enid Blyton’s Enchanted Wood series? I read them many times over.



Which three characters from any book would you have around for dinner?


Elizabeth Bennett from Pride and Prejudice, Jimby Fairfax from my own Life on the Moors series as he’d guarantee to make everyone laugh, and Emma Morley from One Day – I’d be sure to tell her not to take her bike that day…


Which three things most inspired this book?


The urge to write a story about a bookshop by the sea; it’s something I’d wanted to do for a long time.

The beautiful towns and villages that line the North Yorkshire Coast.

My love of books.



Which three emotions do you think your readers will experience while reading your book?


Joy, outrage (particularly at the actions of Johanne de Groote!), and surprise.


Last question I promise 😉


Which three words would you use to describe your book?


Heartwarming, uplifting, happy-ever-after.


Thank you so much for the questions, Rae, I really enjoyed answering them!


Thank you again!

Author Bio

Eliza J Scott lives in North Yorkshire with her family and has wanted to be a writer as far back as she can remember. She is inspired by her beautiful surroundings and loves to write heartwarming stories based on romance and friendship with a generous dollop of community spirit and a hint of humour. She has written and self-published ten novels and has been an Amazon UK Kindle bestseller.

When she’s not writing, Eliza can usually be found with her nose in a book or working in her garden doing a spot of plot wrangling (of the writing variety), and battling against the weeds. The weeds, unfortunately, are currently winning but Eliza is undeterred. Roses are amongst her favourite flowers and she doesn’t need much of an excuse to visit a plant centre where a new rose always seems to mysteriously find its way onto her trolley much to her husband’s astonishment.

Eliza also enjoys having a catch-up with friends over tea and cake, as well as bracing walks in the countryside, rounded off by a visit to a teashop – for yet more tea and cake!

Social Media Links

Amazon author page: Eliza J Scott – UK or  Eliza J Scott – US

Website: Eliza J Scott

Twitter/X: @ElizaJScott1

Facebook: @elizajscottauthor

Instagram: @elizajscott

Bluesky: @elizajscott.bsky.social

Bookbub: @elizajscott

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